Emslie Group - Useful Links
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McMaster Chemistry Department

Login Pages

FACES (NMR sign up)
Library Catelogue (renew materials)
Racer (interlibrary loan)
On-line grade submission
Reciprocal Net
CIC Login
NSERC login
NSERC RTI extranet
Wiley: manuscriptXpress
ACS: Paragon Plus
RSC: Dalton, ChemComm, NJC, ChemicalScience
Elsevier: JOMC
Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC)


SCM (ADF website)
Sharcnet (all systems)

Thode Library Hours
Important Term Dates
Titles Campus Bookstore
MacMicro Campus Computer Store

MILO Staff
Purchasing Services Staff
Research Finance Staff
Office of Research Services (ROADS)
FAS e-reports login
NSERC instruction forms

General Laboratory Information

Emslie Lab Handouts and SOPs
Drying agents for common solvents

Various methods for titrating RLi and RMgX reagents

Links to Chemistry Departments at Other Universities

Chemistry Departments of the World (via Cambridge University)
Canadian Chemistry Departments (via SFU)

General Info and Physical Properties

Lanthanides and Actinides - S. J. Heyes (Oxford) online lecture notes
Argonne National Lab element factsheets (includes Th, U, Np, Pu, Am, Cm)
Eichrom resins for actinide separation
Organometallic Hypertextbook
The ORBITRON - gallery of atomic and molecular orbitals
Periodic Table Displays - click on elements for pictures and info
Etymology of the elements
Macrogalleria - polymer information website
Numbering of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons

Bordwell pKa tables
Evans pKa tables
Physical properties for common solvents (bp, mp, dielectric constant)
Extensive list of dielectric constants

Laboratory Safety

Emslie Lab SOPs
MSDS Data Sheets

Choosing the right pair of gloves

Useful Tools

Mass Spec Isotope Distribution Calculator and MS Plotter
Molecular Weight and Elemental Composition (%) Calculator
Introduction to Spectroscopy + useful tables and tools

XPS (also known as ESCA) information

SI Ontario (Surface Interface Ontario)
XPS Database

NMR information

Cambridge Isotope Laboratories NMR reference table
Common impurities in NMR solvents - Fulmer et al. Organometallics,2010, 2176
Common impurities in NMR solvents - Gottlieb et al. JOC,1997, 7512
NMR Periodic Table with all relevant information
Periodic Table of Isotopes
SDBS - spectral datablase (IR and NMR) for various organic compounds
Basic intro to NMR with graphs of 1H and 13C chemical shift ranges
Common 11B NMR chemical shifts + Summary Diagram
Common 31P NMR chemical shifts
Common 19F NMR chemical shifts
1H, 13C, 19F, 31P, 77Se chemical shifts, JH,H and JC,H couplings

Paper Writing and Referencing Information

Whitesides Article - How to Write a Paper
Standard Journal Abbreviations

Selected Conferences (2014)

CSC 2014 (Vancouver, May 26-30) --- Abs by Feb 17
AVS ALD 2014 (Kyoto, June 15-18) --- Abs due Feb 14
RERC (Squaw Valley, CA, June 22-26) --- Abs by April 25
Gordon Conference in OM Chemistry (Rhode Island, July 05-06) - Abs by April 05
ICOMC (Saporo, July 13-18) --- Abs by April 15
Dalton Conf on f-Elements (Edinburgh, July 28-30) --- Abs by May 19 (Dec for talks...)
IME Boron (Prague, Aug 24-28) --- Abs by May 31
IDW 2014 - TBA - usually November

Company Websites Important to our Research and Equipment

McMaster University purchase requisition form
McMaster University systems contracts blanket numbers

MBraun USA Glove Boxes

Thermo CHNS/O Elemental Analyzer
Dino-Lite: Polarizing Microscope, Polarizing light base, Stand
Glove box feedthroughs

PAR Electrochemistry Equipment and Software
BASi Electrochemistry Products
Selvyt Polishing Cloths
Metallographic Polishing Pads
Metallographic Alumina Polishing Abrasive

Strem Chemicals
VWR Canada
Fisher Canada

AIMAll Software (requires G09 checkpoint file)
Multi-height 4-Point probe with HM20 meter
Concoa Gas Regulators
Matheson Tri-Gas indicating gas purifiers (model 6413)
Fisher indicating gas purifiers
Agilent gas prufiers
Optiglass: Starna Quartz to Pyrex graded seal UV Cuvettes
FRSafety Flame resistant lab coats (call for quotation with sensible shipping cost)